Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Grimy Conceptions.

Dear whoever's reading this,
     To be honst, I really wish I could tell you that these bananas have some special meaning behind them, like a reason why they're blue, green, slimy and cartooned.
 I guess I could B.S. something about how we are just living in a dull world and that our reality is a pretend conception of whatever we want it to be, weither it be slimy and gross or colorful and happy. Yeah.. I think I'll go with that. 
But in reality I just needed to get some problems off my mind, so I conjured this up. I really do enjoy this photo though. I've always liked these kinds of pictures where the subject is a cartoon while everything else is real.
I wish I could do a whole portfolio of this kind of thing. 
So many ideas now.

Monday, January 20, 2014

In the beginning...

Dear whoever is reading this,
I guess I should tell you a bit about me, like my favorite color or something. I like lavender.
I also really like the color of the sunrise at the Chicago airport. It's a vibrant pink.
I (try to) do a lot of art since I'm trying to go to school to be an art major next year.
My dream was to go to Tisch school of art at NYU. But my heart lies on the west coast now.
My other dream is to be a famous artist. But common, when is that going to happen?

So for now I am going to take you with me on my lovely artistic life journey until the day comes that I do become a famous fashion photographer/artist/singer/writer/musician/actor/queen of the world.
(There will be A LOT of pictures and doodles involved in this blog most likely)

Coming from all directions..

Dear whoever is reading this,

I would really like to redo this picture. A few people said I should change the color. Although, in a way it totally goes along with how I'm feeling right now. Everything is is just coming at me from all different directions at the moment. School, college, friendships, relationships, it's all a little too much. But somehow I'm pushing through it this time. I'm honestly very surprised I haven't exploded yet... or quit entirely.